MCDVoice - McDonalds customer receipt survey for the customers interested to enter into monthly sweepstakes. You are welcomed to answer the survey questions @ with valid validation code within 7 days from the date of this purchase . So check mcdonald's validation code from the stores, and go to official survey site : & fill in the McDonalds receipt code to enter survey. In-return, participants could participate in the sandwich survey at official survey portal, Mcdvoice to help them to improve their products. This Receipt Survey is beneficial for both customers and McDonald’s, while survey invitation received by customers can enter a lucky draw of $5000 or $100 Gift Cards respectively. To Improve the winning chances in the Customer survey, entter the survey receipt code at to obtain one free sandwich every month. The McDonalds offers free food code for entering survey with receipt code on their Mcdvoice official español/english site, as validation code is very important to get McDonalds free sandwich offer.